Hot-Wet Environment Individual Survival Kit
The Hot-Wet Environment Individual Survival Kit was issued to Special Forces personnel departing for South East Asia in early 1964. The kit provided emergency medical supplies and a shelter and foraging capability for up to 10 days. The kits 42 items were divided into 2 parts the operational and the reserve. The Hot-Wet kit was primarily issued to Special Forces in Vietnam, more often seen in early war shots.
Opening the operational part you find a khaki vinyl cased survival kit stored in a khaki nylon belt pouch. The kit remains sealed and is titled in orange ‘6545-782-2822 PACKET, INDIVIDUAL SURVIVAL KIT, OPERATIONAL HOT-WET ENVIRONMENT (maker’s details) CONTRACT NO. DSA 120-670-1174.
Each side of the kit lid is printed with a list of contents and instructions for use. The kit contains salt tablets; anti-diarrhoea tablets no 1 & 2, anti-infection tablets; water purification tablets; insect repellent; fungicidal ointment; antiseptic solution; eye ointment; adhesive tape; bouillon cubes and a flew saw. The kit is stored in a nylon belt pouch with a Velcro access flap and Velcro belt loop. The loop is labelled in black ink 6545 -782-2822.